Watch Ya Mouth! Pt. 2
Watch Your Mouth: The Power of Your Words
You ever sit back and wonder what kind of magic your words hold?
Not just what you say to other people — we’re talking about the words you speak to yourself. The little conversations happening between your thoughts and your soul. The way you narrate your life, the labels you throw around, the stories you tell yourself about who you are and where you’re going.
The truth is, those words shape your entire vibe.
Words Build Worlds
Your words are like little architects. They build, they tear down, they shape what you experience. Every time you speak — even in silence, in your mind — you’re creating your world.
Think about it: Every time you say “I can’t” or “I’m not enough”, it’s like throwing a brick on the path between you and your peace. Every negative thought, every limiting belief, it’s building walls you’ve got to climb over.
You feel me?
But on the flip side, every time you speak life into yourself — “I’m ready for this,” “I got this,” “I am more than enough” — you start knocking those walls down. You start clearing the path. The road gets easier. Smoother. Your vibe? Elevated.
Watch Ya Mouth
Now, I’m not talking about some “fake it till you make it” nonsense. We’re not ignoring reality here. But we are shaping it. We’re taking accountability for the way we speak to ourselves and how that creates the energy we live in.
The holidays are coming up, right? It’s a messy time. The days get darker, the air feels heavier, and suddenly you’re back at the family table, caught up in old dynamics and stories you thought you left behind. All that old noise comes back up — the family drama, the expectations, the comparisons. And before you know it, your words turn sharp. Maybe not out loud, but inside. You start to feel small, like you don’t fit into the space you’ve been growing into.
That’s when you gotta watch ya mouth.
The Blues Don’t Have to Be Blues
This time of year doesn’t have to take you out. We know the movie — Fall comes, the shedding happens, and then winter’s eerie stillness brings in the blues. But what if those blues didn’t have to knock you off your center? What if your words, your vibe, your internal dialogue kept you grounded no matter how loud the world gets?
“I am not what they say I am. I am what I choose to be.”
You see, every time you step back into those familiar holiday spaces, your mind wants to go back to the old script. It’s comfortable; it’s what you know. But this season, I’m inviting you to flip that script. To choose words that are aligned with the person you’re becoming, not the person they remember.
Redefine Your Storyline
What if you started setting boundaries with your words, even before you enter the room? Not just boundaries with others, but with yourself. What if you made a commitment to speak only words that elevate, protect, and honor your peace?
Imagine saying, “This time, I’m showing up as the truest version of me. I’m not here to please, to perform, or to fit into old boxes.”
Now that’s power.
When you decide to make your words a sanctuary, you start showing up differently. Family conversations can swirl around you, and you stay grounded. The seasonal blues? They don’t hit the same because you’re steady. You’re not trying to force yourself into a vibe that’s not yours. You’re letting your words create the peace you want.