Become Your Own Main Character:

Rewrite Your Story Through Radical Self-Reparenting

The ONLY program you’ll need to reignite your imagination of how great you can be!

Holistic Personal Development for Harmony, Hygiene for High Performance Flow State

  • You want progressive action and movement in your life - you're tired of "freebies"

  • You want to get out of your own way but, your mind, body, and spirit are confrontational with each other

  • You feel yourself on a horizon of your next best self, and you’re ready to address anything standing in your way.

  • You navigate the world with a heart full of dreams, seeking the courage and clarity to manifest them into your reality.

  • You are a beacon of potential, standing on the brink of unleashing a flood of creativity, passion, and legendary power.

  • You've flirted with the idea of liberation, sensing the seductive pull of living life on your own sacred terms.

  • You've felt the stirrings of a revolution within, knowing it's time to lead the charge in redefining your existence.

  • You've danced on the edge of transformation, feeling the pulse of something more profound calling your name.

  • You've cradled your heart's desires in silence, yearning for a community where your courage is not just recognized, its embraced and celebrated.

Who are you…


Design a life that's SAFE, SEXY, SACRED & Satisfying

Inside the ATA :

A LIbrary of Information, Activities & weekly LIVE trainings.

Safe: Discover the Safety Within

Imagine a world where you're cocooned in an unshakeable sense of security, where your voice resonates with the power of authenticity and your spirit basks in the warmth of community. The "Safe" pillar of our academy is not just about creating a safe space; it's about awakening to the safety that resides within you enough for you to show yourself BRAVE. Dive into practices that foster deep Communication, cultivate enriching Information, and build a Community where you’re not just seen, but truly understood. Here, internal safety is the soil in which your true self flourishes.

Sexy: Radiate Your Inner Sexy

Step into the light of your divine sensuality, where being sexy is a state of being, not just an outward expression. The "Sexy" pillar invites you on a journey of Emboldenment, Embodiment, and Exploration. Unleash the full spectrum of your creative and sexual power through practices designed to connect you with your body's wisdom and your heart's desires. Here, sexy is about owning your power, celebrating your essence, and walking through the world with an irresistible confidence that’s uniquely yours.

Sacred: Sacredness in Every Step

Venture into the sacred spaces of Space, Pace, and Grace within the "Sacred" pillar. Space is where your external environment reflects and nurtures your inner sanctity, creating a haven for your soul. Pace is the rhythm of your life, a deliberate dance with time that honors your spiritual hygiene and habit logic, ensuring every step is taken with intention. Through ritual, you connect to the ancient practices that remind you of your eternal bond with the universe. In the realm of "Sacred," every moment is an opportunity to witness the divine in yourself and in the world around you.

The Call to Radical Self-Reparenting

In a world that often leaves us disconnected from our imagination, body, and essence, the Academy stands as a beacon of reclamation and empowerment. It's more than learning; it's a radical self-reparenting program designed to usher you into the fullest expression of your being through the transformative pillars of Safe, Sexy, and Sacred.

Why Join the Academy?

Embark on a journey of profound self-discovery with our Academy's Transformative Learning experiences. Through our meticulously designed curriculum, you're not just learning; you're evolving.

  • 9 Core Masterclasses: Explore the pillars of Safe, Sexy, and Sacred with masterclasses that challenge your perceptions and invite you to grow.

  • Comprehensive Coursework: Each module offers deep dives, ensuring you not only learn but integrate these teachings into your very being.

  • Continuing Education: Benefit from the wisdom of esteemed guest speakers and presenters, who bring fresh perspectives and advanced knowledge to your journey.

At the heart of our Academy lies a Community of Titans—a fellowship of souls, each on their unique path yet united in purpose and passion.

  • Virtual Community Healing Spaces: Engage in healing practices like Breath Work, EFT, guided meditations, group hypnosis, and more, all within a supportive virtual community.

  • Monthly Coaching Opportunities: Personal growth is continuous. Our monthly coaching sessions offer personalized guidance to navigate your journey.

  • Viewing and Listening Parties: Share experiences and insights with fellow Titans, creating bonds that transcend the digital divide.

True transformation lies in the

Practical Application of knowledge. Our Academy ensures that every insight gained is grounded in actionable steps, bridging the gap between aspiration and reality.

  • Monthly Playlists: Mxter Oya curates powerful playlists that resonate with your journey, offering a sonic backdrop to your evolution.

  • Comprehensive Coursework: Beyond theory, our coursework invites you to apply what you've learned in real, tangible ways, enhancing your personal and spiritual growth.

  • Community Engagement: Through participation in our virtual healing spaces, you'll apply and practice healing techniques in real-time, reinforcing your learning and fostering profound personal change.


of people dissatisfied with the State of the U.S. in 2021

12.2 million+

Adult Americans report general life dissatisfaction (NIH)


of people actually achieving their goals


of people actually give up on their dreams


Unlock the Power of Reflection with the

Safe, Sexy, & Sacred Journal

Assess and Chronicle your Evolution!

The "Safe, Sexy, & Sacred Journal" is not merely a bonus; it's an integral tool designed to enrich your transformative path.

With its thoughtful prompts and dedicated spaces for reflection, it ensures that every facet of your academy experience is captured, reflected upon, and honored.

Let this journal be the sacred space where your innermost thoughts, revelations, and journeys are held, witnessed, and celebrated, making the intangible touchstones of your growth tangible and forever etched in your memory.

Savonya took radical action!

Savonya had a vision while activated in coaching with Mxter Oya.

She closed on a property as a result of that vision 45 days later!!

From Wandering Soul... to Visionary

“I would say, DO NOT HESITATE. Pull the trigger and do it.. The work works! Be ready, available, and open to what comes. Get outta your own way. The energy and the skill are there. To get you where, where whatever it is that you desire, whatever it is that you're looking for.

And it's not, it's not always, it's not an easy thing.

It's not always easy in the sense that there is going to be unprogrammed and reprogramming, but. In your spaces, I've always felt held. I've always felt supported. And so, although these, these things seem very wild, and when I said the things that I said on New Year's weekend, there was no way I would think that any of that would be that close to happening.

And so my mind is blown”

Gain control of your Nervous System and Let's Transmute Together...

You NEVER Let Your Past Define Your Future — Design Your Character for Greatness, It’s All HERE.

This journey we're embarking on is far more than a series of masterclasses; it's a resonant call to awaken the Titan within each of us.

I've walked this path myself, using the very principles I'll share with you in the Academy of Transmutation Alchemy to recognize and fully become your own Titan. Here, you'll reclaim your power, rewrite your story, and rediscover the enchantment woven into your existence.

You'll have the education, accountability, expert and peer support, coaching and transformation in one space.

'Can this really change my life?'

Imagine waking each day to a life brimming with intention, where every action is a bold step toward your personal sovereignty, and every thought forges a deeper connection with your inner self. This vision can be your reality, a vivid existence that awaits you at the Academy of Transmutation Alchemy.

>A Radical Approach: This journey transcends mere education. It's about holistic transformation touching every facet of who you are. I've lived these transformations, embracing each challenge and revelation to evolve further.

>Built for Titans: Specifically crafted for those among us who dare to defy the status quo and embrace their power. I've been where you are, questioning the norms and seeking a deeper truth.

>Community and Support: And remember, you're not alone. I've found incredible strength in community and want to share that with you. Join us, a vibrant collective of souls, each on their transformative path, supporting one another.

Always remember: You are the MAIN CHARACTER of your own epic saga. The Academy of Transmutation Alchemy is a testament to your strength, potential, and capacity for growth and transformation—it's a reminder that I've seen these truths in myself.

Here's to your journey from lead to gold, from bound to liberated, from the forgotten to remembering who TF YOU ARE!

.Welcome to the dawn of your new beginning.

With all the fire in my heart, You don't need another program... You need the ATA.

Logan M.

Lola R.

A Path to Liberation, Clarity, and Pleasure await you!

A Sacred Invitation:

You stand at the threshold of an odyssey that whispers promises of Safe, Sexy, and Sacred realms waiting to be discovered within your essence. The Academy of Transmutation Alchemy is not just an educational path; it's a radical journey of becoming, a call to those who dare to dive deep into the wellsprings of their being, transforming not just themselves, but the very fabric of reality.

- a beacon guiding you towards the shores of your fullest potential.

Will you answer the call?!

Become an ATA Scholar!

  • 9 Masterclasses in the transformative triad of Safe, Sexy, and Sacred, each a key to unlocking new dimensions within.

  • Monthly Playlists and Coaching Opportunities, crafting a soundtrack to your transformation and guidance tailored to your unique path.

  • Virtual Community Healing Spaces, where breathwork, EFT, guided meditations, and group hypnosis become conduits of communal alchemy.

  • Continuing Education, featuring guest speakers, presenters, and interviews that expand your horizon beyond the seen.

  • On Demand an ongoing Library of Resources for you to refresh whenever you need.

  • The "Safe, Sexy, & Sacred Journal", a free bonus valued at $32.97, now yours, to chronicle your journey into the heart of alchemy.

Special Introductory Price:

$249 per month

$597/month starting 4/1

Your Master Coach

Mxter Oya, Mind-Altering Maestro

Master; Hypnotist, Somatics, Holistic Personal Development Coach

Mxter Oya is an artisan of somatic complexity, an International Educator, Neo-Shamanic Practitioner, and all-around mind- altering experience curator. A Leather Master with a fine kink palette... an aesthetic... and a dense somatic skillset. Hypnotic and certified in Hypnosis. A Psychedelically-Informed Integration Coach with a trifecta skill set of marvel for the Mind, Body, and Spirit. Built intensely and meticulously over the span of 5 years with both self-discipline and legacy wisdom from Mentors, Healers, and Dom/mes across the spectrum of experience. An artist of a peculiar sort; A tactician and ultimately a healer through psycho-sensual linguistics, somatic manipulation and energetic acuity.

Copyright© Legendary Integrative Wellness LLC. All Rights Reserved.